
That’s the goal anyway.

Do You Pray?

My mom and I began to pray on the phone every day when her twin, my beloved Aunt Terri, got very ill. My mom’s faith is strong, and prayer gives her comfort. After her sister died, Mom stayed in touch with her nephew and nieces, my Aunt Terri’s children. As far as I know, my cousins all pray and believe in the power of prayer.

Last year, my friend Helen and I tried to find a way to blanket the world with prayers for peace 24/7 — all day, every day, with a sign-up time on a website. That was a lot more complicated to get going than we realized.

In January 2021, I decided I want to help the thousands of families with missing loved ones by dedicating prayer days to them.

Background: Prayer has been on my mind a lot in recent days. I don’t really understand it and, truthfully have been avoiding it for years. I liked the idea of listening in meditation. But prayer has seemed like the opposite.

There are exceptions. The Prayer of Saint Francis has been my daily prayer for decades. I have a prayer of thanksgiving I say every day as a way to plug into Source. Recently my friend Helen posted an article about 70,000 people united in prayer before the Berlin Wall came down. We began talking about how powerful minds united in prayer can be. She has been asking people in her church and among her friends about how to facilitate this. I searched online. I found an online calendar that can be broken up into half-hours and invited everyone to pick a time:

World Prayer Schedule

Alas, you have to be invited by email. (You are invited, by the way. If interested, let me know.) It’s just for a 30-minute time slot and you don’t have to stop everything to pray. It just means at that half-hour you will say a prayer, or a few during that time as you like.

21-Day Prayer Renewal with Gyrocloudy

On KindSpring my friend who is known as Gyrocloudy began a Prayer Renewal 21-Day Challenge. Every day features a new prayer, song and suggested reading. It’s been great. All welcome to that as well.

From my friend Joy:
Do You Pray?
I love this interpretation of a Prayer. What is prayer? Prayer doesn’t only happen when we kneel or put our hands together and focus and expect things from God. Thinking positive and wishing good for others is a prayer. When you hug a friend. That’s a prayer. When you cook something nourishing for your family and friends. That’s a prayer. When we send off our near and dear ones and say, ‘drive safely’ or ‘be safe.’ That’s a prayer. When you are helping someone in need by giving your time and energy. You are praying. When you forgive someone, that is prayer. Prayer is a vibration. A feeling. A thought. Prayer is the voice of love, friendship, genuine relationships. Prayer is an expression of your silent being. Keep praying always…
-The Mind Journal

Missing Persons Connection.

There are two days especially that are hardest for the family of a missing person — the day they disappeared and their birthday. This is unlike mourning a death. This is like hope being assaulted by fear every moment of the day. Psychologists call this “Disenfranchised Grief.” They advise a ritual of letting go. I thought about that a lot but realized that felt like a betrayal. So I have spent the past five years learning how to build hope and to dismiss fear.

Ben and Kelly

So, if there are others with missing loved ones who will join me on this prayer journey, I will make a promise. Those two days, their birthday and the day their loved one went missing, will be dedicated to their loved one and their family. Every year. One thing that helps immeasurably on those days is connection.

The idea that many people would be saying a prayer for our Benjamin on his birthday (February 21st) and on the day he disappeared (March 2nd) fills me with gratitude. I hope it will help other families too.

Conclusion: The prayers here were daily for about six months. But facing this task, finding a person who went missing on that day, finding their photos, news stories, and any other information, was heartbreaking. I literally felt my heart being crushed by the grief these families were feeling. Every day. I quietly took down the page. I took a while to figure out how to explain why I had to stop after all this time planning and hoping it would work.

On Sunday 6 March 2022 (yesterday as I write this), I posted a note. “over1000prayers / (why I had to stop.)

But I don’t want to give up on this idea. I still love the idea of blanketing the world in prayers of any kind. I have seen what the power of prayer can do. I believe love is the most powerful force on earth. To me, prayer is love, directed with sincere intention. And when that love is combined with others, it can move mountains.

If you want to sign up and help us fill the slots on our prayer calendar, please let me know via our Contact page (which is not only now fixed but which I am checking often).

This is for all of us. All 7.9+ Billion of us.

Art by Niki Flow. After hearing the story of how oak trees hold on to each other by the roots during a storm from Nipun Mehta.

♥. Niki Flow

over1000prayers, 365 days a year, under1000skies.org

Some prayers that have come in since we began:

A prayer 🙏 for each…without ceasing, until all are found 💕.

MindyJourney KindSpring.org
Art by Niki Flow ~quoting the song “Dear God” by Avenge Sevenfold. We did a “Dear God” theme last year and the playlist on YouTube to match is here:
My “Dear God” playlist. If you have some song ideas for this list, please let me know! ♥.